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General Information
Scientific events will be held in person and online. The running times are at the physical headquarters of the events.
For each event, participation in person will have a registration fee of $300 and online participation of $50 (special discounts will be discussed & granted). You will receive payment details when the paper is accepted, which will be announced within 48 hours from the registration date for the conference. Recorded presentations that will run during the conference can be sent, in the situation that it will not be possible to participate in person or online in real-time - we understand the time zone difference and respect each participant's schedule.
The papers of the events will be published with ISSN or ISBN - with DOI, in the United States of America, United Kingdom, or Austria. They will be indexed in Zenodo, SSRN, and other international databases. People who wish to publish their works are asked to specify in the registration form if they want works with ISSN (journal in the United Kingdom) or ISBN (proceeding of the conference in Austria or the United States of America).
Organizers: CBM International University USA, Akademos Learning UK, 9472-9655 Quebec CA & AT, Pluridisciplinarity Center RO