About our school

Akademos Learning offers primary, secondary, post-secondary and higher education. Akademos Learning is an internationally accredited educational institution by UAMLS UK, UMC India, ISO 9001:2015.

Our curriculum, based on the British learning system, will promote your potential.

Our school offers transcripts and graduation diplomas - primary, secondary, post-secondary, university.

Our pre-university students perform in the International Baccalaureate or similar tests, such as SAT, ACT.

Our university students insert in labor market, and develop their fulfillment.

Certificates and diplomas

Our university and school award certificates and diplomas for each education level, respectively Primary Education (KS1 & KS2), Secondary Education (KS3 & KS4), Tertiary Education (High school graduation), University Education

Meet a part of the team

The team of Akademos Learning is highly qualified, 

perfect for your mindfulness

Eva Clark

She has a Ph.D. in Economics and a Ph.D. in Agronomy. She is Full Professor, Ph.D. coordinator, and Researcher. She is the Co-President and Vice-Rector of the Akademos Learning

Albert Lewis

He has a Ph.D. in Psychology and a Ph.D. in Sociology. He is Full Professor, Ph.D. coordinator, and Researcher. He is the Co-President and Rector of the Akademos Learning

Jack Bailey

He has a Ph.D. in Philosophy. He is Full Professor, Ph.D. coordinator, and Researcher. He is the Vice-President of the Akademos Learning

Olivia Campbell

She has a Ph.D. in Sustainable Development. She is Full Professor, Ph.D. coordinator, and Researcher. She is the Vice-President of the Akademos Learning

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