Akademos Learning based on the 

United Kingdom

Our learning system develops accredited pre-university and university courses. Our curriculum, based on the British learning system, will bring you close to your ideals.

Study in India, USA, Canada, Austria, Bulgaria, New Zealand, Japan, Brazil, Ghana, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, and others

Online learning for only GBP250/year (akademos.learning@graduate.org)

Why should you learn to 

Akademos Learning?

Improved learning

Our curriculum will highlight best in you

Improved experience

Our classes will develop your talents

Improved socialization

Our staff will promote social life

Our classes

Our classes are offered on-situ and online, 

so you can travel, socialize, and develop yourself

Student programs

We offer different student programs in collaboration with CBM International University

Programs for children

We offer children education - pre-university levels

Latest news

Contact us! Come to see with your eyes, think with your mind, and feel with your heart - Akademos Learning promotes what is best in each of our students.

We will get you on your mind

Akademos Learning will develop your potential through mindfulness.

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